
How often do you ship orders?

I ship orders out at least once a week! This means your order will typically be shipped between 2-7 days from the date you placed your order.

Is my package missing?

Oh No! If you believe your package is missing, please email me with your order number to or through the contact page and I will try to sort it out for you.

When will you restock ___?

Some items in my shop are marked ‘Limited Edition’. These items may or may not be restocked after they sell out. My botanical posters will not be restocked in the near future (or probably ever). Stay tuned for releases of future projects, or join my mailing list to never miss an update!

Do you take commissions?

I do occasionally take commissions! I have a degree in graphic design, and I will sometimes take on branding projects. I also occasionally do custom paintings. If you have an idea for a project, reach out to me on my contact page! Or follow along on my instagram for when I announce spaces for commissions!

Art Stuff

What are your favorite art supplies?

Paint: Himi gouache, recently Windsor and Newton gouache, sometimes Liquitex heavy body acrylic, Bombay India Inks, Windsor and Newton watercolor palette, whatever’s laying around!

Pencils: Prismacolor colored pencils (FAVE), regular ole’ mechanical pencils with .5 lead.

Brushes: Literally any brush, I am not a brush snob at all. I usually use any soft synthetic brush. I used to use only round brushes, but I have started to branch out into more flat brush shapes! I’d say use bigger brushes for as long as you can in a painting- it adds a lot more cool texture :)

Paper: Arches watercolor paper (FAVE), Strathmore watercolor paper, random sketchbook paper, newsprint for sketching

What do you use for digital art?

I make all of my digital art on procreate on my iPad with an apple pencil. I also edit all of my scanned art on my Macbook with adobe photoshop / illustrator!

What do you use to film / take photos?

I usually use my Iphone or a sony zv-1 camera!


How long have you been making art?

Since I was very young :) I have always loved drawing and I began to take a special interest in pursuing art in high school. I took AP art and a bunch of independent study art classes and then went on to major in graphic design at Purdue University. I will say- my art from high school was not very good, and I feel like I didn’t really start to improve until college!

Any advice for beginning artists?

Make what you love! Find what fascinates you in the world and go from there. Don’t worry about finding a “style”, it will come with time. Let it flow and don’t judge your pace.